Thursday 18 June 2009

Reviewing 2D textures - applying Perlin Noise

mountain 2d texture mapped on the specular color of a blinn

mountain 2d texture mapped on the color of a blinn

mountain 2d texture mapped on the bump map of a blinn

a noise texture mapped to the specular color attribute of a blinn material

file texture without noise

file texture with noise mapped to its grain attribute

Reviewing 2D textures - applying water

a 2d water texture is mapped on a blinn as bump map

-not particularly suited for realistic liquid, but creates cool waves on cloth-like surfaces (Larnier,p.76)

Reviewing 2D Textures - applying cloth

repeat UValot of times

Reviewing 2D Textures ( according to Lee Laniers book tutorials)

Friday 5 June 2009

shading with use background

(creates the shadow - it is a plane that responds to shadows but looks as the image plane connected to the camera

shading with a surface shader

has no shadow properties and doesnt take into account lighting information

shading with a shading map

where the colour of the blinn is normally dark, the bottom of the ramp is placed.

shading with anisotropic

change in freshnel index

change in roughness

change in spread Y

change in spread X

change of angle

default values

shading with phongE

specular color=red

whiteness color=red

highlight size=1

highlight size= 0.010



default phongE attributes

Blinn and Phong

phong attributes

blinn attributes

phong attributes

blinn attributes
from left to right: default values for lampert, blinn, phong and phongE

shading with blinn

watch the blinn's (green pear) highlight change position as the view-point moves

shading with phong

reflexivity 5

reflexivity 0.005

reflexivity 0.500(default as all others)

cosine power=20
specular color=green

cosine power=20
specular color=blue

cosine power=20
specular color=red

cosine power=200

cosine power=2

default phong value (look pear)
cosine power=20